
The Day I Learned “It’s Only Temporary”

It was on April 1, 2004, that I realized just how temporary things really are. EVERYTHING really is temporary!

At about 10:00 am that morning I received news that made me realize how temporary this life is. I got a call while at work that I had cancer. It certainly wasn’t the news I had hoped for, but it was the news I got. My immediate thought was I could die. I was scared about the uncertainty.

After nearly a month of praying, waiting, agonizing and worrying, the diagnosis was in. Every day that passed brought more anxiety than the day before. My emotions were running in every direction.

However, that particular morning as I was getting ready to go to work God’s peace overwhelmed me. That peace that surpasses understanding was mine! It’s that peace that the Bible talks about, the peace that can’t be explained. And no, I can’t explain how I felt that morning. For the first time in almost a month I knew God had this. I went to work with a peace I hadn’t experienced before, ever!

The peace that I felt that morning was preparing me for the life changing call that I would receive. Oh, I am not going to say that I didn’t cry, worry or have questions, because I certainly did.

As news traveled through the office, one of my co-workers asked me what I was going to do. The only answer I could give her was “I will grow in my faith.” I really had no choice but to depend on God.

All of a sudden I was enlisted into a war that I didn’t volunteer for. I was approaching the enemy and needed a battle plan. The strategy would be prayer and chemotherapy.

We shared the news with all of our family and friends. News traveled fast. Prayer chains were activated all over the world. The love and support that I had from family and friends was such an encouragement to me. I had a wall of hope. More than 400 cards displayed a wall in my living room. God’s faithfulness was demonstrated in so many ways to me. My family, friends and church family were amazing, a beautiful extension of God’s love. I never felt so much love.

I am excited to share in the days ahead about the temporary life that I’ve been given and how God has grown me through every challenge, not just cancer, that I have had. I am humbled by God’s goodness to me. Every day is a blessing!

Carrie Underwood sings “Temporary Home” and I love it because of what it says, this is just a stop to where I’m going…..this is my “Temporary Home.”

Philippians 4:7, New King James Version (NKJV): and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.





3 thoughts on “The Day I Learned “It’s Only Temporary”

  1. That day will always stay with me! I’m so grateful God healed you! My life would be just a little less without you in it! Love you sweet friend!!!


  2. Michelle, I am so thankful God healed you. You have so much to give and say and share what Christ has done in your life. And plus I have the honor of calling you my friend. Looking so forward to each and every blog.


  3. Thank you Michelle, for your encouraging words. I see God’s hand in all things throughout my day. He is always there and is always faithful. Thank you for letting your light shine.


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